Deploy Learning Circles on your own server

This guide runs you through the steps needed to setup the Learning Cicles web app on you own server. You should be comfortable using the linux command line and following basic instructions. Most of what you need to do is straight forward, but should you run into any trouble, you can ask for help on our forum.

If you find that you need to do anything different or that some steps or info is missing, please let us know on the forum.

To make things easier, we are using docker to distribute the application.


  • A server running Ubuntu 14.04 with at least 1GB of RAM capable of running Docker - we recommend using a Digital Ocean 1GB droplet at 10 USD p/m (If you use this link you get 10 USD credit and we get 25 USD if you spend 25 USD or more). The rest of this guide will assume that you are running Ubuntu 14.04 on DigitalOcean.
  • Domain name to use (You can use namecheap)
  • Mandril, Sendgrid or Mailgun account for sending email.
  • Twilio account for sending text messages.
  • Amazon Web Services account for backups to S3.


Create a new 1GB droplet on Digital Ocean and select the Ubuntu 14.04 docker image.

SSH into your Digital Ocean droplet:

ssh root@ip-of-droplet

Download to /var/p2pu/lc/env.txt on the server and edit the environment variables:

curl --create-dirs -o /var/p2pu/lc/env.txt

Edit the variables in /var/p2pu/lc/env.txt using nano. You can use Ctrl+w to exit once you are done editing:

nano /var/p2pu/lc/env.txt

Setup postgres:

docker run --name postgres --env-file=/var/p2pu/lc/env.txt -v /var/p2pu/lc/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d postgres:9.3

Create a database & user:

docker exec -i -t postgres psql -U postgres

You will need to enter your password that you specified in /var/p2pu/lc/env.txt for POSTGRES_PASSWORD. You will then see postgres=#, this is the Postgres psql prompt. Here you need to enter:

CREATE USER p2pu password '<insertyourpassword>';
CREATE DATABASE learningcircles;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE learningcircles to p2pu;

Setup rabbitmq image:

docker run --name rabbitmq -e RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbitmq -v /var/p2pu/lc/rabbitmq:/var/lib/rabbitmq -d rabbitmq:3

Setup Learning Circles app:

docker run --name lcapp --env-file=/var/p2pu/lc/env.txt --link postgres:postgres --link rabbitmq:rabbitmq -v /var/p2pu/lc/media:/var/app/upload -p 80:80 -d p2pu/learning-circles:latest

Create a superuser:

docker exec -i -t lcapp /var/django-venv/bin/python /var/app/ createsuperuser

Setup your DNS by creating a A record to point to the IP address of your server

Go to to view to page.

Go to and log in with the username and password you created above.

Go to and select the username you just logged in with and click ‘Save’.

You can now return to the site and view the Organizer dashboard.